what a Beautiful Name.
what a Beautiful Name.
Son of God, Son of Man
Lamb that was slain
caron xu jiahui
bethesda bedok-tampines church; Youth Church
NUS Nursing

Lamb that was slain
i love the king and he loves me.
caron xu jiahui
bethesda bedok-tampines church; Youth Church
NUS Nursing

"For i have plans for you,"
declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you
and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 28
joy and peace, strength and hope
grace that blows all fear away.
blessed be your name.
im just so thankful for my results. all to jesus. really dint expect to do so well..even though i know i can do better for some of my subjects, this results that i have i just thank god with all my heart.
*important lesson ive learnt: it doesn matter if i do well, its whether i did it with god.
and i feel so guilty these few days cause i havent been doing qt, woke up late.. so irritating. and at night im so tired i just sleep. oh excuses..ruhh.
and im considering sa or mj..sa cause their bio and chem is good, mj cause they will force me to study, and i need that drive. comb? bio, chem, maths..and its either econs or art..just scared econs might be too heavy..and i love art. but econs is useful..but i know i must trust god, and pray really hard for him to guide me. and both lene n i would love if we were in same jc..it would be the best..but i guess its still in god's hands..
just have so many things on my mind..all hidden in the nooks and crannys. ohh. ruhh.
i need to settle stuff. i need to pray.my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
oh how time flies when ure enjying urself and not studying.
sighs. day after tomorrow and it all begins again.
the time for last struggle; the last battle.
oh, breathe.
why do you push yourself away when you know you shouldn't?
to let these tears fall to nothingness.
don't you see the grace that extends out to you,
far beyond what the mind can fathom?
don't you feel this love that envelops you never,
oh never lets you go?
how long will you dwindle in the pasture,
in the thoughts of your kind.
will you never lift your chin,
to look towards the hope that daylight brings?
sing. sing!
hearken, and sing!
sing to the Lord a new song,
sing and shout your praises to him,
the One who sits on the throne- Everlasting to Everlasting
by Him, the Sun rises from the east,
and sets in the west.
will His Word return void?
No! Never!
turn your eyes to the One who holds the Heavens and the Earth,
who is the invincible and invisible,
who can strike a man down with a batter of the eye,
and yet love like a Father does a child.
sing. SIng!
oh touch me and mold this heart of mine. never to let it harden, even when things that were not meant to be said were spoken. or when i make a mountain out of this molehill. let it all be brought to your feet. to be cast down as i enter and approach this throne of grace so humbly. let me return to your everlasting arms and embrace. oh too long have i delayed. put in me a desire to seek you lord, every morning. to just sit at your feet and listen to you. to hear the sweet whisper of your voice. let me cry out to you, that the ones you've put me under charge of will see me humble and honourable to you,nothing more but a servant of yours.
god! hear me cry to you.
im nobody without you
my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
ruhh. i want to blog but mum is pissed?!
but prelims are finally over.
thank god * gives you my best smile and heartfelt thanks for seeing me thru.
love you so much jesus.my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
n.o.n.s.e.n.s.e :Dmy heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
everyone said my brother sang well. im proud of him! =)
anyway. i stink now! smell of fishballs. gross. went to the market to eat in the morn? horrible! i dowan to walk around smelling like a fish. yuck!!!! i cant stand it. *makes a ginny and caron face*
ruhh. n im gonna mug like crazy. it will be the first of the two times i ll really study hard. really hard in my life. so slap me and push me to study!
oh love divine.
spin the tales of grace everflowing.
deep. plung deep.
into the waters that taste,
oh, so sweet.
quell the stirring of the thoughts within.
intricate lies, oh.
im caught in it.
quicken, quicken.
before it consumes and burns the soul;
struggle. battle. war.
clutches hold, and never lets go.
gentle furling of wings, oh.
gentle touch to the skin.
rescue; fly.
ok..i think e ending is abit weird. ruh. coldplay rocks! THEIR SONGS ARE SO NICE! and martin smith is sooooo cute! *grins.
but of course none can compare to my god.my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
grace that blows all fear away.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
blessed be your name.
im just so thankful for my results. all to jesus. really dint expect to do so well..even though i know i can do better for some of my subjects, this results that i have i just thank god with all my heart.
*important lesson ive learnt: it doesn matter if i do well, its whether i did it with god.
and i feel so guilty these few days cause i havent been doing qt, woke up late.. so irritating. and at night im so tired i just sleep. oh excuses..ruhh.
and im considering sa or mj..sa cause their bio and chem is good, mj cause they will force me to study, and i need that drive. comb? bio, chem, maths..and its either econs or art..just scared econs might be too heavy..and i love art. but econs is useful..but i know i must trust god, and pray really hard for him to guide me. and both lene n i would love if we were in same jc..it would be the best..but i guess its still in god's hands..
just have so many things on my mind..all hidden in the nooks and crannys. ohh. ruhh.
i need to settle stuff. i need to pray.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
oh how time flies when ure enjying urself and not studying.
sighs. day after tomorrow and it all begins again.
the time for last struggle; the last battle.
oh, breathe.
why do you push yourself away when you know you shouldn't?
to let these tears fall to nothingness.
don't you see the grace that extends out to you,
far beyond what the mind can fathom?
don't you feel this love that envelops you never,
oh never lets you go?
how long will you dwindle in the pasture,
in the thoughts of your kind.
will you never lift your chin,
to look towards the hope that daylight brings?
sing. sing!
hearken, and sing!
sing to the Lord a new song,
sing and shout your praises to him,
the One who sits on the throne- Everlasting to Everlasting
by Him, the Sun rises from the east,
and sets in the west.
will His Word return void?
No! Never!
turn your eyes to the One who holds the Heavens and the Earth,
who is the invincible and invisible,
who can strike a man down with a batter of the eye,
and yet love like a Father does a child.
sing. SIng!
oh touch me and mold this heart of mine. never to let it harden, even when things that were not meant to be said were spoken. or when i make a mountain out of this molehill. let it all be brought to your feet. to be cast down as i enter and approach this throne of grace so humbly. let me return to your everlasting arms and embrace. oh too long have i delayed. put in me a desire to seek you lord, every morning. to just sit at your feet and listen to you. to hear the sweet whisper of your voice. let me cry out to you, that the ones you've put me under charge of will see me humble and honourable to you,nothing more but a servant of yours.
god! hear me cry to you.
im nobody without you
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
ruhh. i want to blog but mum is pissed?!
but prelims are finally over.
thank god * gives you my best smile and heartfelt thanks for seeing me thru.
love you so much jesus.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
n.o.n.s.e.n.s.e :D
Sunday, September 04, 2005
everyone said my brother sang well. im proud of him! =)
anyway. i stink now! smell of fishballs. gross. went to the market to eat in the morn? horrible! i dowan to walk around smelling like a fish. yuck!!!! i cant stand it. *makes a ginny and caron face*
ruhh. n im gonna mug like crazy. it will be the first of the two times i ll really study hard. really hard in my life. so slap me and push me to study!
oh love divine.
spin the tales of grace everflowing.
deep. plung deep.
into the waters that taste,
oh, so sweet.
quell the stirring of the thoughts within.
intricate lies, oh.
im caught in it.
quicken, quicken.
before it consumes and burns the soul;
struggle. battle. war.
clutches hold, and never lets go.
gentle furling of wings, oh.
gentle touch to the skin.
rescue; fly.
ok..i think e ending is abit weird. ruh. coldplay rocks! THEIR SONGS ARE SO NICE! and martin smith is sooooo cute! *grins.
but of course none can compare to my god.
Rescued my soul, my Stronghold
lifts me from shame
lifts me from shame
shout it out (:
Forgiveness, security, power and love
grace that blows all fear away
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